For many individuals, a tattoo is a part of their personal history that they would not alter. However, we cannot all be perfect at all times. Tattoo removal might be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be if you approach it correctly.
The laser penetrates the outermost layers of skin, therefore dissolving the ink. Once the ink particles become smaller, the immune system eliminates them via macrophages, which are specialised white blood cells. Here is where your body needs your assistance. Here, we will demonstrate how to expedite the tattoo removal procedure.
1. Avoid sun exposure on the treated area.
Sun exposure raises the amount of melanin in the skin, which absorbs the sun’s UV energy. If you are considering or having laser tattoo removal, it is imperative that your skin does not have an excessive amount of melanin throughout the operation. Not only would it be more difficult for the laser to break up the ink pigment, but your skin will also be more sensitive to burning due to the higher melanin levels. To get your tattoo erased quickly, safely, and in as few sessions as possible, it is advised that you keep the tattooed area out of the sun for at least six weeks before commencing treatment.
2. Exercise regularly.
Although a connection between tattoo removal and exercise may not be immediately obvious, exercise boosts the immune system by increasing the number of cells that fight foreign entities, including tattoo ink. A few visits to the gym each week or even half an hour of daily walking will accelerate the healing process.
3. Sleep soundly.
Insomnia impairs the immune system, leaving us less able to fight microorganisms and more susceptible to infection. Some individuals require more sleep than others, but seven hours per night is optimal. If you have less than six, your immune system may begin to suffer. Establishing a consistent schedule, such as going to bed and waking up at certain times every day, is one way to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep. You should avoid caffeine, nicotine, and other stimulants before bed and switch off the television and computer to promote a suitable environment for rest.
4. Consume a lot of water.
Your immune system needs adequate hydration to function properly, but water may aid in removing tattoos in various ways. It improves kidney function, helping kidneys drain toxins such as decomposed ink faster. It also aids in developing lymph, which transports your white blood cells around the body, allowing them to destroy foreign bodies and eliminate poisons from circulation. In addition, water aids in maintaining healthy skin. Like all other body organs, the skin needs adequate water to operate optimally. The greater your skin condition, the more effective it will respond to laser therapy.
5. Consume more immune-enhancing foods.
Certain foods offer characteristics that aid in immune system enhancement. Oats and barley include a kind of fibre known as beta-glucan, which has powerful antioxidant qualities and promotes wound healing. Vitamin E, which is essential for a healthy immune system, is abundant in almonds.