Have you had it with borrowing your pal’s bong and are ready to get your own? Or maybe you’re just curious about the many types of bongs that can be purchased nowadays. When you do a quick search for them online, you will see that there are hundreds of alternatives to choose from in terms of styles, materials, and features. Don’t let that put you off, however, since we’re here to guide you through the vast bong landscape, and today we’re going to cover all you need to know about percolator bongs, one of our personal favourites.
The Right Bongs
One kind of water pipe, a bong may have one or more chambers and uses water for filtration and cooling to improve the smoking experience. To use a bong, a person loads the bowl with marijuana, lights the herb on fire, and then takes deep breaths in and out of the mouthpiece at the same time, creating bubbles in the water and drawing smoke into the bong. At this point, the smoker will either remove their finger from the carb or pull the bowl back from their lips in order to inhale. Bongs may be made from a variety of materials, including silicone, ceramic, and borosilicate glass. Now let us talk about the triple percolator bongs.
What Is A Percolator Bong
Percolators, often known as “percs” in our society, may have been the subject of a discussion between you and one of your other friends. The word “percolator” may apply to either a specific kind of bong or the larger cooling and filtration device used in water pipes. To fully appreciate percolator bongs, however, you must first appreciate the crucial role water plays in every water pipe. Water is a must-have for every bong since it serves two purposes: cooling the smoke and screening out unwanted particles. The elimination of the possibly harmful contaminants by straining the material before to smoking is thought to be beneficial to the health.
Different Kinds Of Percs
The percolator is an integral part of several common smoking implements, including bubblers, bongs, and dab rigs. It’s meant to increase aeration and bubble production. It’s conceivable that your piece currently has this feature built in, but if not, you should be able to either put it on or customise your bong by adding a second perc, which will give even more filtering capabilities. While percolators come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, their basic operation is the same. The percolation efficiency of modern bongs may sometimes be improved by using several triple percolator bongs of varied designs. Choose one whose form you like and with which you feel at comfortable when you inhale.